viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Application Developed - eHealth

The first performance tests showed that python-based architectures and PyQtGraph were the most efficient to process the data sent through the serial port by the device. Therefore was developed an application based in RTGraph to process the captured data and plot them in real-time.

The developed application reads the data sent by the device in CVS format and process it. The data format includes the timestamp and two values for the signals. Currently the application can capture the ECG and GSR signals, and process them using the fast Fourier transform and a Low-Pass filter, provided by the library SciPy to remove the noise present. At the same time, the application show a real-time graph with both signals and allows to store the data processed in a CSV file in order to use them for a later analysis.

The application  allows input data in order to tag the datafiles to order them when the session finish. Also can be easily modified to add more signals in order to do a more complex benchmark to the e-Health platform.

This is a video that shows how the ECG signal is corrupted when the subject moves.

The eHealth application's source code  is available for download in the Bitbucket repository.

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